Founded 2011

Through the invitation of H.E. Oscar Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga, the Sisters of Mary established Girlstown in the Diocese of Tegucigalpa in Honduras in 2011. A parcel of land was donated by the city government and immediately construction of a four-storey building, a gymnasium and a two-storey workshop was started and was inaugurated in 2012.

In 2013, a swimming pool and another two-story workshop were added. At Girlstown, courses course Arts, Dressmaking Advanced Computer Course, and Call Center training are offered. In July 2015, a parcel of land was donated for the Boystown, and construction was immediately started and finished. The boys learn Auto mechanics and Driving, Computer Operations, Welding Carpentry. and Other courses also will be offered according to the demands of the job market. Coordination with other government agencies is also being done for them to have better opportunities for jobs.

The students always do their best and are excelling when they join competitions with other schools. Almost 2,000 had graduated, some are working and some are studying in universities as scholars Some graduates are already working and some are pursuing their higher studies through scholarship.

Amarateca, Honduras

Let us serve the Lord with joy!

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Honor, glory and praise to Him!

The secret of joy

The secret of joy and love in our hearts!