Founded August 18, 1997

In 1996, H. E. Most Reverend Prospero Penados, Archbishop of Guatemala City, and Guatemalan President Arzu invited the Sisters of Mary to establish a similar charity program. In 1997, the sisters opened medical and dental clinics with x-ray machines and laboratory apparatus to serve indigent patients. Consultation, laboratory tests, medications, and other patient needs are given free of charge.

In 1998 the sisters accepted the first group of students for the newly opened Boystown and Girlstown Complex. Two years later, the boys transferred to a new Boystown Complex in Zona 6.

Girlstown’s secondary and high school offers gratuitously special training for Dressmaking and Fashion Design, Computer Operation and Gastronomy, Handicrafts, and Call Center.

 Training Boystown’s Secondary and High School offers gratuitously training in the following skills: Electricity, Welding, Electronics and Carpentry, Automechanics, Driving, Computer
Operations and Designs…

Almost 10,000 have graduated and like in other campuses, sisters are in contact with companies for job placement of the graduates. With their income, they are able to help their families and also try to pursue their higher studies.

A Day care center and kinder school was established to cater to the needs of communities